A new year, a new life.
They say it's never too late to start.
Why, hello everybody!
This is what's up: After floating around the world aimlessly for 6 years and 8 months, i'm finally calling it quits. I know some of you think i'm crazy to give this all up but you know, life is such that
we need to make a choice to take a chance or our lives will never change. For the better.
That's the '3Cs of life' quote.
I dare say i was one of the victims so deluded that this was the best job in the world - pays well, flies you free to anywhere in the world, no extra work or stress to bring home, no same sickening colleagues day after day.
Guess what?
The truth is while we go on defying gravity to wakeup in another country, our health is deteriorating. Through the years, i see my colleagues passing away, getting grounded for back injuries, females getting UTI (urinary tract infection) every now and then, the list goes on.
I feel my legs getting weaker from all the standing and walking, I watch my hair fall with every burst of hairspray, I developed new lower back and elbow problems i never had before.
So everyday i ask myself if this is really worth it?
The answer is no.
No matter how i try to flip the coin, it's still a no.
Sadly, we live and work in a country that's obsessed with money, and more money. There is no more humanity left in the office. Just skeletons trying to climb the ladder, at any cost.
You assist passengers with their truckload of bags and injure your back, will the company take care of you? NO.
You make a mistake on board, and the pax writes a complaint to the company. Does the company stand on your side? NO.
The passengers always seem to be right, because they're our pay-masters.
The day i sent the resignation email, i went back and forth trying to convince myself to just DO it.
Deep in my heart, i know my mind was well made up. Thing is, my fingers weren't moving. [Sometimes i just feel like sucha wuss!]
Anyhow, i remembered what a friend posted on facebook the other day.
This struck me like a chord and i kept it close to my heart, knowing it's gonne come in handy.
And it did! :D
Having done it, I'm starting to look at things from a different light.
There was an initial mixed emotion of relief and pity (still, dammit!). But right now, I find myself smiling at the darkness of the night, knowing that the future is so very bright. And I'm finally free to go explore my calling in life!
It's like, the lights just turned on again. There's so much hope out there.
If you don't already see the bright lights, then maybe, just maybe you might need that 20 seconds of insane courage too :)
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